
AUD/JPY Inverted SHS Pattern for a Possible Bounce

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AUD/JPY Technical Analysis

  • AUD/JPY has formed a bullish SHS pattern
  • We should see bulls getting stronger
  • If Equities move up it will move the AUD/JPY up too
  • The price is close to Q L5 camarilla support


  1. The left shoulder bottoming
  2. The Head of the pattern
  3. The right shoulder bottoming
  4. Potential Move up
  5. Breakout lower
The price is currently at support. We could see a move up from the 79.50-80.00 zone but we need to see bullish momentum. At this point the M L3 camarilla is holding the price from bottoming out but if the price breaks the M L3 support then we will see a breakout. 79.50 is the breakout point towards 78.60. A bounce from the zone target 81.20 and 82.50.