No Dealing Desk Execution
Thanks to the emphasis on the work with Liquidity Providers & Tech, most of our trades are executed in under 10 milliseconds.

Thanks to the emphasis on the work with Liquidity Providers & Tech, most of our trades are executed in under 10 milliseconds.
Strategic partnership with top banks and prime brokerages.
Leading pricing, thanks to liquidity, and working with LPs.
Secure data storage, trading solutions & full transparency.
First, we match client orders internally, which allows us to minimize the risk without interfering in trading.
When matching fails, or, in time of excessive risk, we forward client positions to the liquidity providers (hedge).
Electronic Communication Network (ECN) has a lot of traction lately, and is oftentimes confused with NDD execution. In comparison to NDD, ECN can indeed connect orders with anybody on the network Unfortunately, sometimes via inferior prices, hence our pledge to in-house NDD execution.
Straight Through Processing (STP) is one of the most confusing terms in trading. The technology is actually used to exchange a trade order info post-fact (albeit nearly instantly). We use STP to map some of the orders, in line with our No Dealing Desk policy.
An overt pricing model is at the heart of Milton Prime. We value your trust and make it our priority to follow up with ethical behavior and no extra burden on your final trading fees.
variable spread + swap
up to x500
MT4, MT5
Management Fee