
Negative Balance Protection Policy

Negative Balance Protection Policy

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Negative Balance Protection Policy

No loss greater than the account balance. 

Negative reset.

At Milton Prime, we invest a lot of time and resources to be able to offer the highest trading environment possible to our clients. We constantly upgrade our trading systems and monitor our execution speeds.

Zero Cut Guarantee System

At Milton Prime, we have a zero-cut guarantee to help protect your money as an individual customer. If your account balance becomes negative, we will reset the negative balance for you. Therefore, there will be no loss over the account balance. The Zero Cut Guarantee Scheme may not be able to close a position at the price you wish when the market liquidity is higher than you expect, and when there is a concentration of orders or conversely when there are few orders.

In such irregular situations, such as a concentration of market orders, we have a zero-cut guarantee that we will not claim losses in excess of the margin if we are unable to close an established position and the margin becomes negative. We do a reset once a day. If your account balance is still showing a negative balance, please contact customer support for assistance.

Best execution guarantee for slippage

We are so confident in our execution technology that if your trade shows slippage or slow execution speed, we will investigate and credit you back.

  • Slippage over 1pip
  • Execution time over 0.5 seconds
  • Execution times are outside of the 60 minutes before and after market open and close.
  • Execution time is other than 30 minutes before and after an index announcement or news.