
Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions

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Client Services agreement

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Negative Balance Protection Policy


Customer agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into and between Milton Global Ltd, a Company regulated as Security Dealer by the Seychelles Financial Services Authority under license number SD040, hereinafter (“Milton Prime”) with registered office at First Floor Room B11, Province Complex, Mahe, Seychelles and the undersigned individual or legal entity, including corporation, limited liability company, trust or partnership, as applicable, hereinafter (“Customer”) that wants to open a Customer Account (“Account”) with MiltonPrime.

In consideration of MiltonPrime’s agreement to carry one or more Accounts of the Customer and provide services to the Customer in connection with the purchase and sale of over‐the‐counter foreign currency exchange, CFD, or other derivatives contracts (“FX”), the Customer agrees as follows:


  1. AUTHORIZATION TO TRADE Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and acceptance of the Customer’s application to open an Account with MiltonPrime, the Customer hereby authorizes MiltonPrime to maintain one or more Accounts in the Customer’s name and engage in FX transactions for Customer’s Account in accordance with oral, written or electronic instructions by the Customer and its authorized officers, partners, principals, employees or other agents (“Representatives”). The Customer will bear the risk of all unauthorized instructions by its Representatives and will indemnify and hold MiltonPrime harmless from all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, fees, costs and expenses relating to or arising from MiltonPrime’s reliance on such instructions, including any improper, unauthorized or fraudulent instructions by the Representatives, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct by MiltonPrime. Unless expressly stated otherwise in writing, all transactions entered into between MiltonPrime and Customer shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as amended from time to time (including, without limitation, MiltonPrime’s Disclosures and Trading Policies and Procedures). Finally, I confirm that I am aged 18 years or over and that the information provided by me in this application is accurate and correct.


  1. ACCOUNT APPROVALS AND MAINTENANCE MiltonPrime may reject Customer’s application or close Customer’s Account for any reason, at MiltonPrime’s sole and absolute discretion. MiltonPrime may require Customer to provide MiltonPrime with additional information or documentation in order for MiltonPrime to continue carrying Customer’s Account. Customer acknowledges that MiltonPrime may, at any time in its sole and absolute discretion, restrict trading, disbursements or transfers. MiltonPrime may amend, change, revise, add or modify the Agreement at any time. The most current Agreement will be posted to MiltonPrime’s Website https://Miltonprime.com/. Customer understands that this Agreement cannot be modified by any verbal statements or written amendments that Customer seeks to make to the Agreement without written acceptance from the General Counsel of MiltonPrime. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Accounts are segregated in the MiltonPrime’s books and records only, and Customer’s funds are not FDIC‐insured and are deposited with a liquidity provider selected by MiltonPrime in its sole discretion.
  2. JOINT ACCOUNT OWNERS If this Account is held by more than one (1) person, all of the joint holders agree to be jointly and severally liable for the obligations assumed in this Agreement. If this Account is held in trust, joint ownership, or partnership, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless MiltonPrime for any losses resulting from breach of any fiduciary duty of the undersigned to the other holders and beneficiaries of this Account. Further, any one or more of the joint owners shall have full authority for the Account and risk of the Account owners, to buy, sell, and trade in transactions of foreign currencies or off‐exchange options, to deposit with and withdraw from MiltonPrime, currencies, securities, negotiable instruments, and other property, including withdrawals to or for the individual use or Account of the party directing the sale or of any other party, to receive and acquiesce in the correctness of notices, confirmations, requests, demands and all other forms of communications, and to settle, compromise, adjust, and give releases with respect to any and all claims, demands, disputes, and controversies. Upon death or legal incapacity of any of the undersigned, MiltonPrime is authorized to take such action in regard to the Account, as MiltonPrime may deem advisable to protect itself against any liability, penalty or loss. Customer agrees to notify MiltonPrime immediately upon the death or legal incapacity of any joint owner. MiltonPrime may terminate this Agreement by written notice to any one of the joint owners. In the event that MiltonPrime receives a notice of a dispute between or conflicting instructions from joint account holders, MiltonPrime may, but is not required to, place restrictions on the account, including restrictions on withdrawals or transfers from an account, until MiltonPrime receives satisfactory documentation that the dispute has been resolved or all joint account holders give MiltonPrime instructions.
  3. INTEREST FREE ACCOUNT HOLDERS The undersigned account holder ratifies and confirms that he/she requires an Interest‐Free Account in order to comply with Sharia law. Customer hereby consents and acknowledges Company reserves the right to apply processing fees to Interest Free Accounts and shall calculate and apply a profit or loss Adjustment to the Customer’s account using its posted daily roll rates as the basis for calculation. Company shall calculate the profit or loss Adjustment and debit or credit the Customer’s account at its own discretion without any prior notice. It is also understood an Interest‐Free Account will be debited prior to the disbursement of funds for every withdrawal request. MiltonPrime reserves the right to revoke the Interest Free Trading account option and/or change the commission fee structure at any time with or without notice.
  4. MARGINS AND DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS Customer shall provide and maintain margin in such amounts and in such forms as MiltonPrime, in its sole discretion, may require. Customer agrees to deposit by immediate wire transfer such additional margin when and as required by MiltonPrime, and will immediately meet all Margin Calls in such mode of transmission as MiltonPrime shall, in its sole discretion, designate. MiltonPrime may change margin requirements at any time without prior notice. MiltonPrime retains the right to limit the amount and/or total number of open positions that Customer may acquire or maintain at MiltonPrime. MiltonPrime reserves the right to close any Customer positions at any time that it deems necessary. MiltonPrime shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused, directly or indirectly, by any events, actions or omissions including but not limited to loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from any delays or inaccuracies in the transmission of orders and/or information due to a breakdown in or failure of any transmission or communication facilities. For example, in volatile market conditions a margin call may be delayed resulting in the possibility of a negative usable margin; a margin call may occur even if positions are hedged, in the jurisdictions where hedging is permitted by law, due to currency conversion rate volatility or daily interest charges or credits.
  5. ROLLOVERS MiltonPrime may, in its sole discretion and without notice to Customer, offset Customer’s open positions, roll over Customer’s open positions into the next settlement time period, or make or receive delivery on behalf of Customer upon any terms and by any methods deemed reasonable by MiltonPrime, in its sole discretion. Terms and/or methods for delivering, offsetting, or rolling over Customer’s open positions may differ on a customer‐by‐customer basis, at MiltonPrime’s sole discretion. Any positions held in Customer’s Account at 17:00 EST may be rolled over to the next settlement date and the Account may be debited or credited for the interest differential for the rollover period.
  6. SETTLEMENT DATE OFFSET INSTRUCTIONS Offset instructions on currency positions open prior to settlement arriving at settlement date must be given to MiltonPrime at least one (1) business day prior to the settlement or value day. Alternatively, sufficient funds to take delivery or the necessary delivery documents must be in the possession of MiltonPrime within the same period described above. If neither instructions, funds nor documents are received, MiltonPrime may without notice, either offset Customer’s position or roll Customer’s positions into the next settlement time period or make or receive delivery on behalf of Customer upon such terms and by such methods

deemed reasonable by MiltonPrime in its sole discretion.

  1. LIQUIDATION OF ACCOUNTS In the event of: (a) death or judicial declaration of incompetence of Customer or, in the case of a legal entity, its dissolution or liquidation; (b) filing of a petition in bankruptcy, or a petition for the appointment of a receiver, or the institution of any insolvency or similar proceeding by or against Customer; (c) filing of an attachment against any of Customer’s Accounts carried by MiltonPrime; (d) insufficient margin, or MiltonPrime’s determination that any collateral deposited to protect one or more Accounts of Customer is inadequate, regardless of current market quotations, to secure the Account; (e) Customer’s failure to provide MiltonPrime any information requested pursuant to this Agreement; or (f) any other circumstances or developments that MiltonPrime deems appropriate for its protection, and in MiltonPrime’s sole discretion, it may take one or more, or any portion of, the following actions: (1) sell any or purchase any or all FX contracts, securities or other property held or carried for Customer; and (2) cancel any or all outstanding orders or contracts, or any other commitments made with Customer. Any of the above actions may be taken without demand for margin or additional margin, without prior notice of sale or purchase or other notice to Customer, Customer’s personal or appointed representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, legatees or assigns and regardless of whether the ownership interest shall be solely Customer’s or held jointly with others.
  2. MANAGED ACCOUNTS With regard to managed Accounts, a money manager (“Money Manager”) is a person or entity authorized to make decisions with respect to an Account on behalf of the Account’s beneficial owners, including a trustee, custodian, conservator, guardian, executor, administrator, attorney‐in‐fact, or investment advisor or other person to whom Customer has granted trading authority over an Account. Customer understands and agrees that MiltonPrime may, but is not required to, review any action or inaction by a Money Manager with respect to an Account and is not responsible for determining whether a Money Manager’s action or inaction satisfies the standard of care applicable to such Money Manager’s handling of the Account. Customer further understands and agrees that MiltonPrime is not responsible for determining the validity of a person’s or entity’s status or capacity to serve as a Money Manager. Customer agrees to hold MiltonPrime and its officers, directors, employees, agents and affiliates harmless from any liability, claim, or expense, including attorneys’ fees and disbursements, as incurred, for the actions or non‐actions of Customer’s Money Manager.


  1. GENERAL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Customer represents and warrants that:a) Customer is of sound mind, legal age and legal competence; b) Customer (if not a natural person) is duly organized and validly existing under the applicable laws of the jurisdiction of its organization; c) Execution and delivery of this Agreement and all transactions contemplated hereunder have been duly authorized by Customer and will not violate any statute, rule, regulation, ordinance, charter, by‐law or policy applicable to Customer; d) Each person executing and delivering this Agreement has been duly authorized by Customer to do so; e) No person other than the Customer has or will have an interest in Customer’s Account; f) Regardless of any subsequent determination to the contrary, Customer is suitable to trade FX; g) Customer is not now an employee of any exchange, any corporation in which any exchange owns a majority of the capital stock, any member of any exchange and/or firm registered on any exchange, or any bank, trust, or insurance company that trades the same instruments as those offered by MiltonPrime, and in the event that Customer becomes so employed, Customer will promptly notify MiltonPrime via e‐mail of such employment; h) Customer has read and understands the Risk Disclosure Statement, Arbitration Agreement and Trading Policies contained in this Agreement;

    raised short term interest rates to over 20% to dissuade currency speculators from selling Sterling against other currencies when the Pound Sterling came under pressure by speculators. In this situation, those who were short STG and long US Dollars were forced to rollover their spot positions at a large debit from one spot settlement date to the next. By doing so the Bank of England was attempting to dissuade currency speculators from selling STG over spot and rolling over the position from one day to the next. The action was intended to force those who were short STG, to cover their positions before the end of the day forcing an underlying bid into the currency. Year‐end and quarter‐end periods can also cause unusual spikes in short‐term interest rates that may cause temporary spikes in rollover debits and credits. Customers acknowledge that there exists a rollover risk to currency positions. MiltonPrime will display the rollover debits or credits for the respective currencies’ pairs in the MiltonPrime application and automatically update Customer Reports to reflect the cash flow. MiltonPrime reserves the right to change the credits or debits at its sole discretion if the original amounts are in wrong due to an error or omission.

  2. Sweep rates for currency balances other than USD are determined by MiltonPrime and may be independent of prices found elsewhere in the Interbank market. Profits that are calculated in a foreign currency are “swept” into dollars when the open positions are closed and the Profit and Loss realized. For example, if a Customer buys one (1) lot of USD/JPY at 115.00 and sells the same one (1) lot at 116.00, the realized profit on the transaction would be:Since the realized profit is in Yen, the amount must be swept into US dollars by selling Yen and buying USD. If the exchange rate for the USD/JPY exchange rate is 116.05, the 100,000 Yen are converted and swept into USD at 116.05 creating a USD realized profit of $861.70 (100,000 / 116.05 = $861.70). When trading in currencies where the secondary currency is USD (i.e., EUR/USD and GBP/USD), the realized profit and loss is already stated in USD. As a result, the Profit or Loss does not have to be swept. There is No Guarantee of Profit from Trading with MiltonPrime: Customer acknowledges that neither MiltonPrime nor any of its representatives guarantees to the Customer that they will profit from trading or investing in FX. Customer further acknowledges that they could sustain the loss of their entire Risk Capital deposited in their Account and are financially able to withstand any losses incurred.
  3. There is No Guarantee that MiltonPrime will be able to execute stop loss orders, limit orders or OCO Orders at the Customer Entered Price. Customer acknowledges and agrees that there may be market, liquidity or other conditions that will prevent MiltonPrime from executing Customers specific Stop Loss Orders, Limit Orders or OCO Orders at the Customer designated price. In some cases the orders will be executed at prices that are less favorable to the price entered and desired by the Customer. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that they are still responsible for trades executed at levels different from their orders and that MiltonPrime is not liable for failure to do so.
  4. There is technology risk inherent in trading online or via a software application. Although MiltonPrime has invested a lot of resources developing, testing, configuring and integrating the Trading Platform and other relevant software and hardware, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that MiltonPrime does not guarantee that the Customer will be able to successful execute transaction, monitor their positions, or perform other essential tasks of MiltonPrime while using the public Internet and other technology from MiltonPrime or from third party vendors known or not known for which MiltonPrime may rely on. MiltonPrime cannot control, without limitation, the routing, Internet connectivity, reliability of customer or MiltonPrime equipment, network connections or any other technology hardware malfunction caused by MiltonPrime hardware, hardware and connectivity that makes up the public Internet, or hardware at the Customers location. Nor does MiltonPrime guarantee, although all effort has been made to the contrary, that the Trading Platform and Associated Back Office and Broker Software Interfaces nor any other code or application including but not limited to the interface with MiltonPrime liquidity provider(s) or the interface with the escrow Account institution or other technology application that would come under the heading software, are error‐free and would not lead to communications problems, computer software or hardware breakdowns, malfunctioning errors, and any and all problems or glitches associated with computer problems or any other technical cause or causes. Customer acknowledges and agrees that MiltonPrime provides Trading Platform and Associated Back Office and Broker Software Interfaces “as is,” without any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or other express or implied warranties.
  5. PAYMENTS AND REFUND POLICY MiltonPrime and all its sites use several Merchant Solutions (“Merchant Solutions”) for online payment, order processing, order delivery, and other merchant solutions. Billing occurs at the time of or shortly after your transaction. If a credit card is being used for a transaction, MiltonPrime may obtain preapproval for an amount up to the amount of the order. You agree that you will pay for all products you purchase through the Merchant Solutions, and that MiltonPrime may charge your credit card for any products purchased.All sales of products are final. Fees paid for products and services are non‐refundable. Prices for products offered via the Merchant Solutions may change at any time, and the Merchant Solutions does not provide price protection or refunds in the event of a price reduction or promotional offering.

    If a product becomes unavailable following a transaction but prior to download, your sole remedy is a refund. If technical problems prevent or unreasonably delay delivery of your product, your exclusive and sole remedy is either replacement or refund of the price paid, as determined by MiltonPrime.

  6. PAYMENT AGENT MFSC HOLDINGS LIMITED, a company incorporated under the laws of Cyprus with incorporation number ΗΕ 406018 and registered address at 30 Tempon, Engomi, 2408, Nicosia, Cyprus, is the Payment Agent of Milton Global Ltd. The Payment Agent is a related party which has a service agreement with Milton Global Ltd to provide the below services:a. Act as a Payment Agent of The Company;

    b. Enter into a business relationship or execute agreements with third parties such as payment providers, E-Wallet companies for the purpose of processing or facilitating transactions on behalf of The Company;

    c. Shall receive settlements of transactions by counter-parties such as payment services providers or receive payments from these counterparties on behalf of The Company;

    d. The transactions and funds remittance will be done through the payment provider to the bank account of the Service Provider. Subsequently, the Service Provider undertakes to transfer the funds to The Company’s bank account(s).

Clients are engaging directly with Milton Global Ltd, and their rights are not being affected as a result of this agreement. The general Terms Conditions the Client has consented to remain unaffected. It is the responsibility of Milton Global Ltd to safeguard Clients’ funds and to manage payments to Clients and handle general complaints. Clients must submit such complaints directly to Milton Global Ltd.